I work with hundreds of neurodivergent clients from diagnostic assessments to workplace needs assessments and training organisations on awareness. With so much wonderful exposure to mine and other’s brains, I get to appreciate the challenges and true strengths of neurodiverse brains. I think this exposure is what makes me so sad when clients ask me about disclosure.
What do I say to my manager?
Do you think the company will slow down my progression?
How can I get adjustments with nobody knowing?
It reminds me that we still have so far to go to be truly inclusive.
So how can we change this?
It is neurodiversity celebration week and I urge everyone to make the most of this (if you’ve not already), to move your assumptions towards curiosity! There are so many opportunities this week to find out more about barriers for people and understand how you and your organisation can engage, retain and energise your teams.
Whether your organisation offers you a golden hour each week for learning/similar or not, please use this opportunity to invest your time in understanding or yourself and others.